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use : Librarian
rank : unknown
faction : DDS (DEAD)

Rathun was one of the earliest DDS warriors but betrayed his comrades when they were in danger, preferring instead to run away and save his own worthless hide and thus condemning his men to death. Rathun fled to a new colony world and seized control, calling it Rathun's World which he ruled with an iron fist. He was deposed by a popular uprising assisted by Windy and captured by Windy (Rathun's World renamed itself Liberation).

Rathun was then subjected to months of violent abuse and torture aboard Windy's prison ship. He was briefly freed by the Proximan Renewal Brigade but recaptured (though seriously injured). He was given a sex change by Windy's medics and renamed Maryann Rathun.

As Maryann Rathun was given a new mission to seduce and humiliate Redjec in return for freedom. This she did, though Windy did not expect the pair to fall in love. They married a few weeks later. However before long she learnt of her husband's long list of horrific crimes and chose to kill herself rather than risk Windy being able to get the incriminating information out of her.

last update : 18/06/12