use : Minister of the Intelligence Services
rank : Senator
faction : Dinos (SS)
We followed Krusty and his fellows during their training to join the Dino Army. Krusty went to join the 92nd Infantry Brigade. He was best friends with El Radigol who joined the same unit.
Following El Radigol's death in the ABBO-Bolitic War Krusty left the Dino Army for a while but has now returned and is serving aboard Dinomark having been recruited to the 6th Legion.
In 2112 he was chosen to join Ronald's 2113 expedition into uncharted space. During the mission he was given more duties in the security area and received a field promotion to Decurion.
After the mission he was rewarded by a further promotion to Centurion and now captains Ronald's flagship Dinomark. He is highly regarded by Ronald and may even be being groomed for high office.
MBH recruited him for the SS-CINT (with Ronald's blessing) where he was given the code name "Green Fin". Later on Ronald promoted him to the Senate to preside over Dino intelligence operations.
Following the downfall of Red Pheonix, Krusty became administrative (and public) head of SS-CINT. He was reported lost in a joint Dino-NS mission against the Mutre Bee. He was presume dead but was a prisoner of Mutre Bee. Later he was rescued by Tiger. Upon returning to Dino-Land he decided to resign from SS-CINT and go to an Orach monastry. In 2121 he returned to service, restored to Senator rank though without portfolio (and still a SS-CINT agent). In 2123 he was promoted to the Senate and was the new Minister of the Intelligence Services, he officially left SS-CINT as an operational asset.
Krusty's surname is Repton.