use : Head of the Senate of the Dino Empire
rank : Senator
faction : Dinos
The legendary Jimmy is one of the greatest of modern Dinos and for a long time he was part of the troika along with Ronald and GBH who ruled Dino-Land (and as he tended to stay at home he was defacto ruler of Dino-Land while Ronald and GBH had various adventures abroad).
Born Jemawaki he rose to prominence in the Dino Army and was commander of the crack 6th Legion during the time of Telavason's coup and Ronald's uprising. Indeed it was Jimmy's heroic attack against the SS which helped buy Ronald the time he needed to defeat the coup.
In Ronald's reign Jimmy served mainly as the Home Secretary. Quietly competent, often people forgot just what a legend Jimmy was. The rising new generation led by MBH sometimes thought him as a yes-man for Ronald and over rated. Jimmy's time finally came however when Ronald appointed him Co-Emperor however his policy of confrontation against the SS which he vowed to disband saw him nearly killed by an assassin's bullet (Lakes' involvement in this is suspected but never proven).
When Jimmy recovered he found his post abolished as Ronald had formed the Republic. Angered at not being consulted Jimmy briefly turned against his old friend and formed the Liberal Party. Although Jimmy's hostility to Ronald ended quickly a friendly rivalry has formed between the two friends. Indeed Ronald was happy for Jimmy to stand in for him as Head of the Senate while he was away on his exploration even though Jimmy was from a rival party.
Jimmy's enemy remains MBH who despises Jimmy and his party. At the end of 2114 Jimmy became Consul for the second time and will led the Republic (at least in name) for 2115-6. Afterwards he was made Head of the Senate.