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use : Minister of Defence
rank : Senator
faction : Dinos

Zanus' career has seen its ups and downs. One of the 6th Legion "legends" though not quite on the same page as some of the other heroes, he rose to command one of the legions in the Dino Army yet felt resentful that he could not go any further, especially when El Diablo was made Emperor by Ronald.

Zanus joined One-Horn's camp and helped the evil one usurp El Diablo, however Zanus prevented One-Horn from slaughtering his enemies. This stood Zanus in good stead when Ronald returned to the throne and he was largely forgiven for his treason. Zanus has remained a free spirit, making the Senate but not joining any political party. Finally he became Consul. After his term in office he has become the Minister of Defence.

last update : 07/12/13